The market label of anti haze mask is not unified. Did you choose the right one?
Release time:2020-08-17 Page-views:770

In haze weather, masks have become standard for going out. China's first national standard for civil protective masks issued by the National Standardization Administration Committee was officially implemented. The protection level of masks is divided into four levels, corresponding to different air quality conditions. According to this standard, people can choose the masks to wear on the day according to the degree of air pollution, which will be very convenient. Now that the national standard has been implemented for more than a month, has the mask produced according to this standard entered the life of ordinary citizens? In the face of continuous haze, how should citizens choose appropriate masks?


How to select PM2.5 protective mask? What kind of air purifier works well? What are the culprits of haze? When can we see significant results in haze control?


Smog weather frequently strikes. Wearing a mask when going out has become an economical and effective way of self-protection.


However, due to the lack of unified production standards, there are a variety of masks on the market. Most manufacturers and operators claim to have good dust and haze prevention effects, which makes many consumers confused: how to choose masks, what masks can effectively prevent haze, and what problems should be paid attention to when wearing them?


There are a variety of mask styles on the market, and the implementation standards are not unified


Mr. Liu, a citizen of Beijing, works in a foreign enterprise. Now a mask is his necessary outfit when he goes out. "Whether it's shopping in the mall or online shopping, all kinds of masks make people dizzy. A few days ago, I bought some masks for my family while taking advantage of the" double 11 ", but I don't know how protective they can play," Mr. Liu said.


Miss Ding, a graduate student in Tianjin, also had the same trouble: "there are many and inconsistent anti haze standards for masks in the market. I don't know which is more authoritative.


In terms of mask styles, there are folding, cup-shaped, flat type, and some with activated carbon filter or breathing valve. The Executive Standards are also not unified. Some implement gb2626-2006 respiratory protective articles - self-priming filter anti particulate respirator; some implement gb19083-2010 technical requirements for medical protective masks and yy0469-2011 medical surgical masks Some implement NIOSH (National Institute of occupational safety and health) standards in the United States. For example, N95 masks are certified in the United States, while others are not marked with executive standards at all. It is not surprising that consumers are dizzy in the face of various styles and executive standards.


The China Consumer Association and the consumer associations (committees) of five provinces and cities conducted a comparative test on mask products. The 37 mask samples basically covered the main brands sold in the market. The test results showed that among the 37 mask samples, 15 samples had good initial filtration efficiency, accounting for only 40%.


In terms of the fit between the mask and the face, 12 of the 15 disposable cup-shaped mask and disposable folding mask samples have good fit with the face, and their leakage performance index is significantly better than that of disposable flat mask and replaceable filter cloth mask. Only 9 samples can achieve anti haze effect, which are easy to wear and comfortable, accounting for less than 1 / 4.


The high price of masks does not mean good protective performance.


In addition, the test results also show that some knitted fancy cloth masks sold in some small commodity markets have poor anti haze effect and are only effective for large particles.


Industrial masks and medical masks have a certain protective effect on fine particles


"When the particle concentration reaches the pollution level, you need to wear an anti haze mask when you go out," said Zhang Hong, deputy chief physician of the Department of respiratory and critical medicine of Beijing Chaoyang Hospital.


When choosing masks, try to choose masks that have been tested by professional protection institutions and proved to have filtering effect on particulate matter. Common anti haze standards include national standard gb2626-2006 and American Standard NIOSH, "distinguish masks. You can't just look at the product type, but read the product description and product name identification."


The person in charge of the China Consumer Association reminded consumers to buy from the manufacturer's official website or formal sales channels to ensure that genuine and licensed goods are used. Do not buy "three noes" products or products with vague and incomplete marks.